
Our Cultural Change Process Creates Significant And Sustainable Improvement

Would your business benefit from seeing a 40-97% sustainable improvement in the frequency and cost of incidents, injuries, and claims? With resecō, it’s possible — this range represents the average improvement our clients (from small to publicly traded corporations) see, and that change delivers year-over-year profit to their businesses.

It all begins with driving cultural change or affecting the way people work, but before you can change culture you first need to understand your culture. Long cultural assessments, such as employee engagement surveys, provide a pulse on opinions, but then what do you do with all the data you’ve collected?

For starters, we will guide you in the selection of a “Design Team,” which is comprised of a cross section of your staff. They will be tasked with clearly defining, measuring and rewarding expected behaviors and activities while also creating participation visibility throughout the organization. Think of these individuals as your office cheerleaders, ones who lead by example and get everyone amped up for organizational change — they create the commitment and buy-in to drive the culture in a deliberate way.

The following are a couple of examples of our recent successes in cultural change management:

Our change management solution, for an 80-employee firm, achieved 97% improvement on their workers’ compensation claims frequency and cost, just one year after implementation. This reduced their costs to $0.12 per $1,000 of revenue. For this client, that translated to 17 injuries being prevented over a 12-month period and increased sales of 18%.

Our strategy, design, system, and ongoing continuous improvement ideas have enabled a 200+ employee multi-state firm to achieve a 71% sustainable claims frequency and cost over a four-year period. This resulted in over 50 employee injuries being prevented, an increase in annual sales by 10%+, and a savings of over $500,000 in premium costs.

Since accountability should not be a top-down leadership-forced behavior, we will engage your entire organization to lead, encourage, recognize, and coach desired behavior as they form new habits.

This strategy will lead to top performance and protect the safety of your most valuable asset: your employees. Finding the right employee is hard work — demonstrating you care, shouldn’t be. Instead of just hearing that they are the most valuable assets the company has, your staff will see it and believe it.

Find Out How We Can Help Change Your Culture Today.