24 Sep OSHA FAQs: Cranes & Derricks in Construction – Operator Certification
OSHA’s cranes and derricks operator certification standard became effective on Nov. 10, 2018.
Employers that use cranes and derricks in construction must comply with this standard. Employers should also become familiar with this standard if their employees work in areas or sites where cranes and derricks are in use. Finally, crane lessors that provide operators or maintenance personnel with the equipment they lease also have duties under the standard.
This Compliance Overview presents some frequently asked questions and answers compiled by OSHA regarding operator and signal person qualifications and operator certification.
Download complete "OSHA Cranes and Derricks Operator Certification Information"
17 Sep Event: OSHA Inspections: Influencing Positive Outcomes
PRE/POST INSPECTION STRATEGIES Performance Management Scope and application of OSHA standards Preparing your team for a potential inspection OSHA Good Faith Adjustment Citation Best Practices WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Managers, Safety/Human Resources Professionals SPEAKER Mike Coppa, CSP, CRIS Risk Management Advisors Register Here