News Brief headerOn June 18, 2020, California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an order requiring Californians to wear face coverings while in various public or high-risk settings—including when shopping, taking public transit or seeking medical care.

The order comes following growing concerns from public health officials that recent spikes in COVID-19 cases are related to residents not taking the proper precautions to help limit the spread of the coronavirus. Review the following guidance for further information on when face coverings are required and exemptions to the order.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative that every precaution is taken to prevent the spread of the disease. At the workplace, employees may need to use equipment and tools that their co-workers have used. As such, it is important to stress the need to properly clean tools and equipment after each use.

When it comes to tools that have not been visibly contacted by blood or other bodily fluids, the following cleaning procedures are recommended and should be communicated to your employees.