Jamie Charlton
Claims Director
As Claims Director, Jamie brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the resecō team. Her 20 plus years in the insurance industry are a huge asset in helping manage our client’s multi-line claims. Jamie has worked at large premier insurance carriers managing claims as well as overseeing claim handlers in other states. She speaks the special language of claims and understands insurance carrier initiatives and claim management approach. Jamie has also worked at a large home builder where she was responsible for management of multi-line claims in multiple states prior to joining resecō in 2017. Jamie obtained a business management degree from University of Phoenix and holds adjusting licenses in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. She has also obtained her Worker’s Compensation Claims Professional designation. When she isn’t managing claims at reseco, you can find her at her happy place: the baseball field. She a proud mother of two very active teenage boys who play competitive baseball on a traveling team.