
Pat Blakesley
Chief Sales Officer
Pat started in the Risk Management field in 1994 right out of college. Began his career with a captive agency and quickly outgrew their commercial capabilities. Moved on and started an independent agency in 1997, literally out of his garage. Grew that agency into a multi-state multi-million dollar agency which he sold to a large brokerage house in 2007 and stayed on board with them for two years transitioning the book over. Once his contract was fulfilled, he went back to his former clients and helped them rebuild out of the financial collapse of ’07-08 by teaching them a better way to grow their businesses by using behaviors and motivators of their people. He later sold his intellectual property to one of his clients who continue to use those process to this day. He is a third generation insurance person – an absolutely loves it. He feels that the positive impact on the lives of the people he gets to serve everyday is tremendous.
At home, Pat’s family, his wife and four children and even one amazing grandchild (so far), keep him pretty busy. There always seems to be a project or two that needs doing. And he even occasionally finds time to build engines and play in a few mud puddles every now and then.