Risk Insights header imageDriving a truck comes with a number of constant hazards that drivers need to be aware of in order to keep themselves and others on the road safe. Share the following Safety Matters with your drivers.

Avoiding Right Turn Squeeze Crashes

Large commercial vehicles can be challenging to maneuver, particularly on residential and city streets. Taking a turn too sharply or widely can lead to costly accidents and serious injuries. One common type of accident is the right turn squeeze crash, which occurs when a truck driver makes a wide right turn, leaving too much distance between the truck and the curb. When doing so, other drivers on the road may try to squeeze past the truck and could end up getting their vehicle caught underneath the truck’s trailer.

HR Insights Blog HeaderDuring the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, some employers are currently staying open as essential businesses—for organizations that are not open, many plan to welcome back employees shortly.

The Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) advises that face coverings should be worn in public, including places of employment. There are many questions about the differences between masks and face coverings, and which is appropriate to wear. By familiarizing yourself with best practices related to masks and face coverings in the workplace, employers can help prevent the spread of COVID-19.