The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compels employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees who need it. These accommodations can be straightforward and may include installing a wheelchair ramp or adding text-to-voice software on a computer. In many cases, the accommodation needed for an employee to perform their job is obvious. But what happens when […]

While work restrictions may be lifting, the hazards related to the COVID-19 virus remain a significant health risk.   As businesses start to resume operations, we encourage you to consider these best practices to protect employees and visitors to your workplace.       Download the “Employer Return to Work Guide – COVID-19” – doc […]

Furloughs and Layoffs The last thing employees and employers want is lost jobs. It means financial uncertainty for everyone involved, which is why most employers do everything they can to prevent downsizing or prolonged closures. However, reality sometimes forces the situation, as is the case with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Many businesses without […]