Legal Update HeaderThe U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) about federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) regulations. The RFI, released July 16, 2020, invites interested parties who have knowledge of or experience with the FMLA to submit comments, information, and data on the effectiveness of the regulations in meeting the objectives of the statute.

Legal Update HeaderThe U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is seeking information from the public about the effectiveness of paid employee family and medical leave.

In a Request for Information (RFI) issued July 15, 2020, the DOL said it intends to gather information about the effectiveness of current state-and employer-provided paid leave programs, and how access or lack of access to these programs impacts workers and their families. The RFI explains that “paid leave programs” for its purposes refers to paid family and medical leave to care for a family member’s, or for one’s own, health.

Even though the brain and the heart are located far from one another in the body, they are intrinsically connected and have a significant impact on how each other functions.

The two organs communicate via the muscular walls around the heart, which are connected to the brain in the circulatory system. As the brain releases hormones telling the body what to do, receptor cells in your blood vessels pick up these messages. In addition, there are nerve endings that travel from the brain to the muscular walls of the heart. These nerves send messages to the muscle tissue to either relax or contract.

HR Insights Blog HeaderThe coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has upended the entire world, it seems. With fluctuating infection rates and conflicting official guidance, organizations will need to adapt quickly if they want to succeed in the post-coronavirus landscape.

HR teams stand at the forefront of these efforts. For years, HR departments have been tasked with ushering in fundamental workplace changes, and this moment is no different. This article includes five ways the coronavirus is reshaping HR and how departments can adapt to these new challenges.